Movement Mobilization

Will Mancini and Dave Rhodes

Ten years ago, in his ground breaking and seminal book called The Forgotten Ways, Alan Hirsch identified 6 key elements that he suggested were common in every significant Christian movement. Over the last 10 years, numerous churches and Christian organizations have used this resource to help them begin to reimagine their own church as a movement. The challenge for the church has been and is to move those same ideas from paradigm shift to practice.

This Exponential Movement Pre-conference will help Christian leaders and churches identify, assess and grow their practice of these 6 key elements for movement capacity. While many churches excel in some of these elements, few have been able to reach Level 5 capacity in all 6 parts of the mDNA (movement DNA). In this Multiplication Pre-Conference Journey, leaders will be introduced to the 6 elements of mDNA, leverage the biblical narrative as an interpretive lens for understanding their church's journey toward movement capacity, and identify the major barriers to making progress in building out their church as a movement.

> Monday April 24 1-5 p.m.

> Tuesday April 25 8-11:30 a.m.

Faith Hall Room 301H

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